Party Discipline Accompanies Me, Integrity is in My Heart | Knowledge Contest of Ying Li International Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party Comes to a Successful Conclusion

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party, enhance employees' understanding of the Party's history and discipline, implement the construction of a clean and honest government, and assist in the publicizing and implementation of the company's rules and regulations, Ying Li International Real Estate Limited (referred to as "Ying Li International") and the CPC Ying Li Qipaifang Branch (hereinafter referred to as the "Company's Party Branch") jointly held the event of "Party Discipline Accompanies Me, Integrity is in My Heart" - Knowledge Contest of Ying Li International Celebrating the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Party on Party Discipline, Company Discipline, and Integrity Risk Prevention and Control on June 27.

The Company's Party Branch members and active Party applicants led 7 teams composed of employees from various departments (including the Jiefangbei Darongcheng and Daping Darongcheng project teams) to participate in the contest.

In the first stage of the event, all participating contestants and employees collectively reviewed the great developmental journey of the 103 years of the founding of the Communist Party of China through a video, and revisited the Party's original aspirations and missions. The second stage of the event - the contest part - included three rounds: required questions, quick response questions, and interactive onsite questions. The content mainly focused on the newly revised Disciplinary Measures of the Chinese Communist Party, Ying Li's Integrity Risk Prevention and Control Manual for Key Positions in Key Areas, and the Accountability System for Violations. The entire contest was tense and well-organized. The participants were active and responsive, especially during the quick response round, where they were quick and competitive, setting the stage for an intense and exciting "battle for points". It not only demonstrated individual intelligence and teamwork, but also reflected the Ying Li International employees' respect, observance, and proficient understanding of Party discipline and company regulations.

After intense competition, the [Asset Management Department team] ultimately secured first prize with 185 points. The [Project Management Department team] and the [Daping Darongcheng team, and Investment Management Department and CEO Office joint team] respectively won second and third prizes.

After the contest, Ren Chao, President of Ying Li International and the Secretary of the Party Branch, delivered a summary speech. President Ren gave a positive assessment of the organization and implementation of the contest, and praised the contestants for their spirit, style, knowledge reserves, and learning outcomes. President Ren expressed his hope that all Party members, cadres and employees actively enhance their awareness and understanding of discipline and regulations by using contests to promote learning and using learning to improve conduct, solidify the defense line of integrity, and further enhance the implementation of Party discipline and company regulations. He also encouraged the continued inheritance and promotion of the spirit of the founding of the Party to provide strong discipline support and contribute to the further development of Ying Li's Party building and business operations!

The knowledge contest is an epitome of Ying Li International carrying out the Party discipline learning and integrity education series activities in a deep-going way. It is also a concrete embodiment for Ying Li International to actively respond to the call for comprehensively strict governance of the Party, and for Ying Li to actively promote the deep integration of corporate Party building and corporate culture. Ying Li and the Branch will continue to guide employees to further strengthen the foundation of honesty and integrity, and to create a good atmosphere of "upholding Party discipline and maintaining integrity". In the new era, Ying Li International will continue to uphold the spirit of "staying true to the original aspiration and bearing the mission" and contribute to promoting high-quality corporate development and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.