The Group is committed to high standards of ethical conduct and has zero tolerance for fraudulent activities. The Group has implemented whistleblowing policies and procedures that are duly approved by the Audit Committee. The Group's employees and other stakeholders may privately raise possible improprieties in the Group's financial reporting or other matters, such as suspicions of fraud, corruption, dishonesty, etc. All reports shall be investigated and it will be treated on a confidential basis and referred to the Group’s Audit Committee.
The evaluation, investigation and assessment of complaints shall be carried out by the Audit Committee or, as the Audit Committee deems appropriate, by independent consultants at the expense of the Group. Following the investigation and evaluation of the complaint, it is up to the Audit Committee to decide whether to recommend disciplinary or remedial action, if any. The Audit Committee will decide appropriate actions to should be referred to the Board of Directors or the relevant management executive for implementation.
If the subject of the report is in relation to a director of the Group, the director shall not participate in the review and any decision-making process in the assessment or evaluation. This policy is designed to encourage the reporting of such matters in good faith, by treating each employee and everyone else who makes the report with fairness and confidentiality to prevent retaliation. Specific details of the Group’s protection policy are provided to all employees.