Remember the Red History and Gather Strength to Forge Ahead

The CPC Ying Li Qipaifang Branch organizes a themed Party day event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

On the grand occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, learn the history of the Red Revolution, inherit the essence of Ba-Yu culture, and strengthen patriotism education, the CPC Ying Li Qipaifang Branch (hereinafter referred to as the "Branch") organized Party members, cadres and active participants in the process of joining the Party to visit the Chongqing Municipal Archives on September 26 for a themed Party day event titled "Remember the Red History and Gather Strength to Forge Ahead"' to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. During the event, participants visited the themed archival exhibition at the Chongqing Municipal Archives.

The Backbone of the Nation, the Monument of Ba-Yu: The Revolutionary History of the Communist Party of China in Chongqing (1921-1949) is Chongqing's first comprehensive, systematic, and vivid exhibition that reflects the revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China in Chongqing. Through the exhibition, all Party members, cadres of the Branch, and active participants in the process of joining the Party reviewed the arduous journey of the Chongqing local Party organizations of the Communist Party of China since its establishment in 1926. They gained a deep understanding of how, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Chongqing local Party organizations united and led the people of Chongqing from all ethnic groups, and persevered unwaveringly in their pursuit of victory in the New Democratic Revolution, undeterred by any sacrifices. They also deeply fathomed the arduous and tortuous path of the Communist Party of China has taken in exploring the independence of the Chinese nation and the liberation of the Chinese people, as well as the historical Inevitability of winning the final victory. While listening attentively to the explanations and viewing the exhibition, everyone asked about the stories behind the archives from time to time, stopped to gaze, or engaged in discussions, deeply inspired by the unwavering communist beliefs of the revolutionary martyrs.

In the exhibition area of The Memory of Chongqing: Development and Transformations of Chongqing in Modern Times, all Party members, cadres of the Branch and active participants in the process of joining the Party viewed a large quantity of archives, pictures, audio videos and other historical materials through various modern display techniques. They reviewed the development and transformations of Chongqing over the past 130 years since its establishment as a trading port in 1891. Through this immersive experience, they gained a tangible understanding of the remarkable achievements that Chongqing, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, has made in the fields of politics, economy, transportation, education, science, culture, and healthcare, especially since the founding of the People's Republic of China. They also felt the synchrony between Chongqing and our great motherland, as they marched in stride with the currents of the era.

Finally, under the Party flag, all Party members and cadres of the Branch lined up neatly, raising their right fists high, and recited the oath of joining the Party sonorously and forcefully, which ignited their fire of belief and consolidated their foundation of faith.

Thanks to the themed Party day event for celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, all Party members and cadres of the Branch and active participants in the process of joining the Party delved deeper into the Red history, revolutionary traditions, and tremendous transformations of Chongqing, this heroic city. They developed a profound comprehension of the great founding spirits of the Party and the nation, and underwent a profound ideological baptism and patriotism education. They were motivated by the spirit of progress, unity, and perseverance, and made a resolute commitment to learning from history and forging ahead. They have strengthened their sense of responsibility and mission in further deepening comprehensive reforms and promoting Chinese modernization, truly transforming their original aspirations and missions into working motivation and making due contributions to the high-quality development of the enterprise.